Kamis, 13 Agustus 2009

JAKARTA - MI: Indonesia travel warning from the threatened countries pascaledakan in JW marriot Hotel and the Ritz Carlton in Mega Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan, Jumat (17 / 7).

"It's likely there are certain. Look in the mirror before the incident, many countries direct the travel warning for people not to visit Indonesia," said Chairman of the General Association of Indonesian Travel Company (Asita) Ben Sukma Harahap in Jakarta on Friday.

According to him, if many countries the travel warning, many of which harmed the perpetrator antarannya in business, travel agencies, tourist attractions, and the Indonesian government.

In order to know the real impact of the explosion at the two hotels, the continued coordination with the travel agent both in and outside the country. "The impact can not be real. The clear we endeavored to do pedataan impact from this incident," he said.

Explosion in the two hotels that occurred at around 07.45 WIB. The first explosion occurred at the JW Marriot Hotel, followed by the next explosion in the Hotel Ritz-Carlton is not so far distance from the first explosion. (Ant/OL-01)

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