Kamis, 13 Agustus 2009

East of Bali you have any impikan. There you will find a special jewel in paradise and the natural beauty of the exotic with a cohesive culture that still feels thick and hospitality people around. Here also there is Amed Beach, the beach will give you peace and tranquility. Enjoy the delights of food and the benefits obtained from the accommodation that is affordable.

Amed Beach offers a good place to practice diving, or diving. There are lakes on the edge of the beach is even better for the exercise, and the coral reefs that can be achieved with a swim for 5 minutes. This place is the best proposal for the sport diving and make it as a very comfortable place to learn diving.

You can do Snorkling and diving in the vicinity of a black sand beach that is. The types of fish that can be said is vary interesting than most other places in Bali that all accompanied by the warmth of the water that does not change that is 28 degrees. Various groups of fish such as cardinal fish, trigger fish, black snaper, Pyramid butterrflies, banner fish, fish, and damselfish can be seen in the water on the sand.

Cemuluk as a protected beach is the ideal place to start your snorkeling. About four kilometers south along the lake Banyuning, you'll find small pieces of coral gardens and the most beautiful that you can see anywhere in the Lesser Sundas. But please be careful, because enough water in the area, and sometimes big waves occur so that this place is for people who diperuntukan experienced.

How to Achieve This Area
Only 30 minutes from Amlapura.
With Public Transport,: from Denpasar, Batubulan Terminal, with a bus (medium size) to Amlapura, takes 2 hours. Then proceed with the Bemo to Amed for 30 minutes. Bemonya akan stop in the village, but supirnya will bring you to the beach Cemeluk.

Place Stay
In the village to the south many places to stay, ranging from no-star hotel, star hotel up to.


Dining place

There you can find food stalls that sell snacks and nasi intervention. Best restaurants in this place is the Baliku, approximately 1 km towards the south from the Blue Moon. And in the Lipah provide a delicious Indonesian food.

Hand Fruit
All products associated with the sea and the beach. Suppose goods goods made from shells, coral, and others.

Can You See Or Do
You can visit the fish market in the morning when the tuna come. In addition you can also enjoy the beautiful scenery around the village of Amed.


* Staff has set most of the hotel package fishing and sailing. So you can capture for your own dinner. Hotels also provide equipment Snorkling

for in the lease.

If you want to do diving, there is a good idea to check the equipment and re-check the price at that place. Make sure you select the appropriate operator training before you decide diving with brands.

Photos and articles taken from www.my-indonesia.info

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